I believe part of my purpose and reason for being here on earth at this time , is to help make the world a better place , I believe my spiritual intuitive guidance and spiritual healing gifts are tools I am meant to use to implement and effect positive change in the world
for the past three years I had the privilege of studying and being mentored by a great healer by the name of Talmadge harper , where I began to learn a lot of the meaning and purpose of life and why we are all here on this planet here today
I began to learn about reality and how it is quite literally shaped by our thoughts feelings and emotions but ultimately governed by the resonant frequency we emit out into the quantum field we are currently living in .
I discovered how truly powerful the subconscious mind is , especially when we are able to hack it and reprogram our minds for success , healing or a multitude of profound and positive experiences
the truth is every experience you have in this “physical” world , was first created through thought , feeling , intention and frequency resonation in the spiritual / unseen world … using the knowledge I have learned I have decided to set forth out into the would and facilitate profound change for the better
I would classify my work as intuitive spiritual healing
A practice that I believe from experience can heal any and all ailments , illnesses and disease
A practice that can transform ones life mentally , physically , spiritually , socially , emotionally and financially , whatever your challenges may be , the answer lies within the subconscious and what you believe you truly deserve about life …. If you look closely enough you may begin to see that life is but a dream … the real question is what would you like to dream next
I am here to offer my services of intuitive guidance , whilst some may refer to this as psychic abilities , I prefer to call it divine intelligence or intuitive guidance … so if you have any questions, curiosities or problems , where for some reasons you feel you need answers from deep within … e.g “ why can’t I seem to find love ?” Or “ why do I always fall short in this area of my life “
I am able to help you find the answers , weather that be a trauma from childhood that has hardwired you to “ always make life hard for yourself “ or a lie you were once told that you are now holding onto as the truth … which is therefore f*cking up your life …. Once the problem is discovered , there are many spiritual tools you can use to Address the problem , I would recommend either hypnotherapy or telepathic intuitive healing … both services will clear the root of the problem and shift and alter the beliefs within the subcosnious , ultimately shifting your reality .
I offer all of the services I have mentioned above , so if you are interested and have more questions feel free to email me : tishanahhallbooks@gmail.com
Or if you are ready for a one of a kind life changing experience .. feel free to book your sessions bellow ! See you soon and thank you for reading .